

「モルモットモルモット(English version)」
Guinea pig, guinea pig,
body and body exactly stick friendly.
Guinea pig, guinea pig,
Cold situation was get over barely.

Tranquil cute cute eyes each moment
peeps in lively heart.
Round cute cute body each moment
tremble delicate beat.

Plastic bottle which is coldly,
body and this exactly stick friendly.
Guinea pig, guinea pig,
Hot situation was get over barely.

Tranquil cute cute eyes each moment
brights in lively heart.
Round cute cute body each moment
tremble delicate beat.

Guinea pig is one important life,
I am also one important life.
Small body work harder and harder,
move, move, move, move,
round, round, round, round.
Faint important life very clearly
and very firmly appear
but we don't care too much
and call "marmot".

Guinea pig, guinea pig,
body and body exactly stick friendly.
Guinea pig with baby guinea pig,
make a character of "川(the river) " and sleep in.


